On May 8, it was Varun Dhawan’s rumoured girlfriend Natasha Dalal’s birthday. The actor took to his Instagram account to share a photo with NatashaVarun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal. Picture Courtesy: Instagram/varundvnWell, May 8th was not only about Sona…
Prakash Bharadwaj says that his film, featuring Rituparna Sengupta and Priyanshu Chatterjee in lead roles, is a result of his learnings from Aamir Khan over the yearsAamir KhanHis box-office record is proof that Aamir Khan is a whiz when it comes to fi…
Set to launch his mobile theatre today, Satish Kaushik says he’s making cinema available for as little as Rs 35Satish KaushikTo make cinema accessible for people in smaller towns and rural parts of the country, filmmaker Satish Kaushik has launched a m…
Makeup guru Namrata Soni, who styled Bollywood’s resident fashionista on her big day, decodes her cracker lookAnand Ahuja and Sonam KapoorGiven the fashionista tag that has been attached to Sonam Kapoor, all eyes were on what the bride would wear on he…