On Sunday, 102 Not Out earned Rs 7.60 Crore, and Monday it minted Rs 3.02 Crore. After continuing a decent five-run at the Box Office, the film has finally earned Rs 22.50 croreA still from the film 102 Not OutMoviegoers turned up in abundance to watch…
After conquering TV, the content czarina is leaving impressive imprints on the cine-goersEkta KapoorFilmmaker Ekta Kapoor is the uncrowned queen of entertainment as she rules not just the television industry but also has a commendable hold over feature…
The slice-of-life story is shot on the promenade of the Worli Sea FacePrashantt Guptha and Bidita BagNeerja (2016) actor Prashantt Guptha is working on a short film, titled A Bit Of A Loner. Produced by Priti Rathi Gupta, the movie also features Babumo…
After the French DJ wrote about Baahubali on social media, Tamannaah Bhatia praised his single in reciprocationTamannaah Bhatia and DJ SnakeDJ Snake loves India. He not only shot his latest single, Magenta Riddim, in Hyderabad, but also watched Baahuba…
The Laagi Tujhse Lagan actor Mishal Raheja shopped for the outfits and accessories for the partMishal RahejaTV actor Mishal Raheja, who plays a rock star, King Singh, in Kumkum Bhagya, turned his own stylist for the show. The Laagi Tujhse Lagan actor s…