3 out of 5 stars Box Office: TBA The plot revolves around four childhood friends (Veeres as they are lovingly referred to by one mother) — Kalindi (a gorgeous Kareena Kapoor Khan), Avni (a deliciously cast Sonam Kapoor), Sakshi (Swara Bhaskar at her best) and Meera (Shikha Talsania who looks so comfortable in her skin […]
Salman Khan and Jacqueline Fernandez are going all out to promote their upcoming film ‘Race 3’. Recently, the duo visited the sets of dance reality show ‘Dance Deewane’ and Jacky shared a video wherein she can be seen asking a hug from a seven-year-old participant. However, the kid didn’t want to hug her and said: […]
Bollywood’s leading lady Deepika Padukone is on a global domination spree. After making a mark at international events, Deepika is all set to sizzle on international magazine Vogue. After setting the world ablaze after her MET Gala and Cannes appearance, Deepika Padukone is all set to sizzle on yet another international magazine, Vogue America. The […]
Ranbir Kapoor along with the whole cast and crew of his upcoming film ‘Sanju’ unveiled the trailer amidst fans and media in Mumbai this afternoon. The trailer promises that the film is going to be RK’s best one so far and also another masterpiece by Rajkumar Hirani. During the media interactions, Ranbir was asked, his […]