Alia Bhatt’s recent release ‘Raazi’ continues to dominate the box office. The Meghna Gulzar directorial made it to the Rs 100 crore club and set the cash registers on fire at the box office. The actress is now prepping up for her film ‘Brahmastra’ alongside her co-star Ranbir Kapoor. The actress has always kept her […]
The yesteryear’s angry young man, Amitabh Bachchan, is a grammar nazi too. Who knew? It happened over Twitter that Big B cutely corrected Alia Bhat’s spelling mistake, when she wrote ‘que” for “cue”. Big B, who is collaborating with Alia and Ranbir Kapoor for the first time in Brahmastra, expressed his excitement over working with […]
Superstar Shah Rukh Khan, who is often criticised for lacking the courage to express himself on important issues, has once again been questioned over his silence on various social issues. During a Q&A session on Twitter, SRK was asked: “Why don’t u react or give ur views on Kashmir riots..Bengal riots..illegal settlement of Rohingyas, Bangladeshis […]