For the whole world, Chris Hemsworth as Thor is one of the most powerful superheroes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But for his kids, he’s just a goofy dad whose cheeky dance moves and crazy antics are worth watching on loop the whole day.
From his 5-year-old daughter teaching him how to surf to his three-year-old son riding the waves perfectly, athleticism runs in the Hemsworth family. So much so, that even their dog is a great dancer and can give any of us a run for our fame (if we had any).
After a cumbersome combat with Thanos, when Thor had some free time on his hands, he tuned into ‘Wrecking Ball’, the powerful heart-breaking ballad by his brother, Liam Hemsworth’s girlfriend Miley Cyrus. Turns out, this was all that the Hemsworth clan needed to break the internet like it was nobody’s business.
What started as a ground breaking music video ended in a savage attack by a cowardly K9. Never work with Kids or Animals. #wreckingball #wreckingdog #daddydaycare #murderonthedancefloor @mileycyrus @liamhemsworth
Miley was so impressed by the fabulous dance routine performed by the Hemsworth clan, that she instantly replied to the video.
Call it her overexcitement or carelessness, but thanks to her, a certain Chris Hemsworth from Philippines was trending on social media the whole time. Yes folks, you guessed it right! She tagged the wrong Chris and there couldn’t have been a better day in his life.
Well, no offense to both the Chris Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus, but at the end of the day it was the dog who stole the limelight with his amazing moves.