Can you guess the most expensive Hollywood project of 2017? ‘Wonder Woman’? ‘Dunkirk’? or ‘Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2’?
Well, sadly all of you are wrong. The most expensive project of 2017 was released by the CGI team of ‘Justice League’. Honestly, this project should have been listed as a case study in universities across the world with the title – ‘How to spend $25 million to remove a moustache and get trolled for free’.
While people were busy trolling and making memes on the shoddy CGI job, Henry Cavill was the one who became the butt of all jokes.
Fast forward to the present time, and Cavill has tapped into his inner Faizal from ‘Gangs of Wassepur’ to take the ultimate revenge for all the jokes and memes made on him.
After rocking ‘Kingstache’ for ‘Mission: Impossible – Fallout’ for the longest time now, Henry Cavill has decided to shave his moustache and there couldn’t have been a better farewell than the one he gave to his beloved buddy.
Just finished a quick workout before my first day of press in Beijing for Justice League! Here we go! #JusticeLeague #China #Beijing @prideofgypsies @gal_gadot @benaffleck @rehsifyar #EzraMiller
The video begins with a clean-shaven Cavill greeting his fans, “Hello, don’t be alarmed. It’s me, Henry Cavill. Sometimes superhero and former secret agent. But now, I am completely clean-shaven. I know, it’s hard to recognize me without KingStache. Sometimes, I even have trouble recognizing myself.”
Kal working on his side control! #BJJ @RogerGracie @RogerGracieAcademy
But, that’s not even the best part. He further says, “It’s hard for me to admit: this is not CGI. He’s really gone. I can tell you this though, I will remember him, always.”
Did y’all just see what he did there? His subtle dig is the ultimate revenge one can ever take on someone.
Dany Garcia’s shoe game may be strong but my hat game is coming a close second @danygarciaco #HenrysHats
The video then ends with a montage of Cavill in moustache and even there he throws low-key shade at the CGI job by including stills of Superman from ‘Justice League’. This is the kickass video we’re talking about.
With literally just one video, Henry Cavill has owned the internet and has now become our spirit animal.