When Heath Ledger played the iconic Joker in ‘The Dark Knight’, the actor left an imprint on our minds and convinced us that no one can ever recreate the role to perfection like he did. His role not only earned him a posthumous Oscar but also redefined what it meant to be a true villain on the big screen.
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The character Ledger played was so iconic, that when he passed away due to an accidental prescription drug overdose, thinking of anyone else stepping into his shoes was next to impossible.
Recently, we heard that we are soon going to get a standalone Joker origin film. In fact, if Variety reports are to be believed, then Joaquin Pheonix was in talks with Todd Phillips for the role, however, someone else is trying to stake claim to the important role.
Tommy Wiseau- the man, who directed, produced and starred in ‘The Room’, tweeted Philip asking him to send him a message about the role.
Todd. DM me. https://t.co/DHYg3EXvhs
— Tommy Wiseau (@TommyWiseau) February 10, 2018
In his next tweet, he stated that “Yes! I want to be THE JOKER!” Well, we don’t know if Philip will be interested in this or not, but Wiseau is quite adamant and wants this role for himself. And that’s just not it, he even came up with an audition tape where he can be seen playing the Joker.
Decked up exactly like the Joker, the actor can be seen yelling, shouting and laughing creepily all the while. You also see actor Greg Sestero making a cameo as Batman. Wiseau indeed knows what he is doing and looks pretty convincing to some extent. But obviously, something is missing.
Taking to his Twitter he also asked what the viewers thought of his tape:
What do you think of me as The Joker?
Link in story.
See @bf_movie March 30th#tommywiseau… https://t.co/brbzQJRB1n
— Tommy Wiseau (@TommyWiseau) March 12, 2018
There were many who were totally sold for his act and loved every bit of it. One wrote, “They’d be stupid not to hire you. In fact, if you don’t get the role then I’ll be tempted to write my own superhero movie and cast you as the villain because I’m smart and I know a golden opportunity when I see one.”
While another said, “I think you’d play a great Joker. I think if you could feed off the emotion of everyone telling that you can’t do it, you could be the best Joker yet.”
Now, all we have to see is what Philip thinks of this. Will Wiseau get this dream role? Let us know what you think of it.