Jul 022017

‘Billion Color Story’ is a special movie for more than one reason. Firstly, it’s a film under the banner of Satish Kaushik who is largely known for his comic movies. Secondly, this fantastic movie tells the innocent tale of a young boy who is born to a Hindu mother and a Muslim father, and sees the religious intolerance through his young eyes.


This Movie Highlights The Problem Of Religious Intolerance & Is Winning Big At The London Indian Film Festival© Youtube

The movie is winning accolades all over the world and has won many awards at the London Indian Film festival. The major factor that is the reason for its popularity is the fact that the sentiments are for all Hindus and Muslims around the world who are dragged in the fight for religion.


Cinema is a wonderful medium to sometimes show what we glorify and sometimes to show what we wrongly glorify in the name of love and communalism.